Oilfield Construction

Manafid provides oilfield construction across any size of project in the oil industry, maintaining the highest safety standards and producing quality results.
Manafid  has a pipeline and facility construction company. At Manafid, our commitment to excellence is at the core of our philosophy – a big reason for our success is our ability to attract, recognize and retain talented people.

Conventional Gas Construction:

  1. Gas Plants Construction (Deep Cut / Shallow Cut);
  2. Plant Facilities Construction.
  3. Cogeneration Plant Construction.
  4. Compressors Installation.
  5. Separators Installation.
  6. Well sites Construction.
  7. Well Site Equipment Construction and Installation.
  8. Line heaters.
  9. Meter stations and skids.
  10. Vessel Fabrication and Repair.
  11. Package Construction.
  12. Pipe Spool Fabrication and Installation.
  13. Pipe Module Fabrication and Installation.
  14. Structural Fabrication and Installation.

Conventional Oilfield Construction:

  1. Pipe Spool Construction and Installation.
  2. Pipe Module Construction and Installation.
  3. Structural Fabrication and Installation.
  4. Oil Batteries.
  5. Oil Treaters
  6. Early production Facilities